What is the Risk level of my portfolio?

Here is a table mapping each risk level to its corresponding composition:

Risk level


Risk-free rate

Corresponds to letting your money sleep in a bank.

Very Low Risk

Corresponds to investing 100% in Bonds

Low Risk

Corresponds to investing more or less 75% in Bonds and 25% in Equities

Low-to-Mid Risk

Corresponds to investing more or less 62.5% in Bonds and 37.5% in Equities

Mid Risk

Corresponds to investing more or less 50% in Bonds and 50% in Equities

Mid-to-High Risk

Corresponds to investing more or less 37.5% in Bonds and 62.5% in Equities

High risk

Corresponds to investing more or less 25% in Bonds and 75% in Equities

Very High Risk

Corresponds to investing more or less 12.5% in Bonds and 87.5% in Equities

Equities Risk

Corresponds to investing 100% in Equities

It is important to set the risk of the portfolio accurately. This allows you to compare your portfolio to the most appropriate Performance Watcher Index!